
This policy applies to all employees of Fresh Produce Group of Australia (ABN 87 055 359 601), Fresh Produce Group Western Australia (ABN 81 152 973 932), Treviso Farm Management (ABN 31 144 899 276), Tumut Grove Farm Management Pty Ltd (ABN 46 619 756 115), Smart Berries Pty Ltd (ABN 39 164 122 945), Smart Berries Mundubbera (ABN 30 164 124 903), SB Tasmania (ABN 25 605 860 017), Fruitico Pty Ltd (ABN 49 608 313 604) and Fruitico Farms (ABN 51 608 318 921) , collectively referred to in this policy as ‘Fresh Produce Group’ or ‘FPG’. This includes:

  • Full time, part time, casual, permanent or temporary employees
  • Contractors
  • Volunteers, vocational and work experience placements

The Fresh Produce Group is committed to ethical and responsible trading practices, consistent with local laws and the international standards outlined in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code (ETI Base Code). These include the ETI Base Code principles of:

  • Employment being freely chosen.
  • The freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  • Providing safe and hygienic working conditions.
  • Not using Child Labour, in accordance with local laws and our Young Worker and Child Labour Policy where no minimum age exists.
  • Providing living wages in accordance with Fair Work Act 2009 and relevant modern awards, contracts, industrial agreements and other relevant laws.
  • Ensuring working hours are not excessive, and where long working hours and days are required, ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect workers health and safety.
  • Ensuring no discrimination is practiced based on race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, union membership and political affiliation.
  • Providing regular employment where possible.
  • Ensuring no harsh or inhumane treatment towards workers is allowed.

In addition, Fresh Produce Group is committed to ensuring its policies and practices reflect the internationally recognised human rights, promoting a culture of respect, inclusion and diversity.

Where reasonably practicable, Fresh Produce Group expects its suppliers to ensure their practices respect human rights, and implement the principles of the ETI Base Code in their organisations and through their own supply chain.

Further Information

Further information on the ETI Base Code can be found at Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Human Resources Manager.